Reversi is available as part of Higgster’s Games Compendium, with no adverts, downloadable for all Apple and Android tablets/phones.

Reversi, also known as Othello, is a classic board game that involves strategic placement of game pieces to flip and control as many of your opponent’s pieces as possible. The game is played on an 8×8 grid and requires two players. Here’s how to play Reversi:
Objective: The goal of Reversi is to have the most discs of your color (either black or white) on the board when no more moves can be made.
- The game begins with four discs placed in the center of the board: two white and two black discs. The discs are placed diagonally, with black discs forming a diagonal from top-left to bottom-right, and white discs forming a diagonal from top-right to bottom-left.
- Players take turns to make a move. Black goes first.
- A player’s move consists of placing a disc of their color on an empty square in a way that at least one of the opponent’s discs is captured (flanked) horizontally, vertically, or diagonally between the new disc and another disc of the player’s color.
- All the opponent’s discs that are trapped between the new disc and another disc of the player’s color are flipped to the player’s color.
- A player must make a move if they have a legal move available. If a player cannot make a legal move, their turn is skipped.
- The game continues until no legal moves can be made by either player.
- The player with the most discs of their color on the board at the end of the game wins.
Winning: The player with the most discs of their color on the board when the game ends is the winner.
Strategy: Reversi is a game of strategy and foresight. Here are some tips to improve your gameplay:
- Control the corners and edges of the board, as they are harder to flip.
- Keep an eye on potential moves that will lead to flipping several discs in one move.
- Avoid giving your opponent easy opportunities to flip your discs.
- Be cautious about placing discs in positions that can be easily flanked by your opponent on their next move.
- Plan ahead to control key positions and force your opponent into disadvantageous positions.
Reversi is a game that combines strategy, tactics, and intuition. With practice, you can develop a deeper understanding of the game and refine your skills to outwit your opponent.
Reversi is available as part of Higgster’s Games Compendium, with no adverts, downloadable for all Apple and Android tablets/phones.