Website Security Audit

FREE website security report

The Internet is dangerous. Your website need to be protected from all manner of threats. From adding links to XXX sites on your contact page, to redirecting your entire site to porn, to bypassing your “secure” payment gateway.

You may believe that your site has never been “hacked” but how would you know? Many hacks are silent and would just steal your data (personal details, usernames, passwords), you may never know they were there.

What I do

As a highly-experienced web software architect, I’ll run free, non-invasive scans on your website and provide reports to you with full transparency. These will highlight where your site is vulnerable and how to resolve them. All explained as simply as possible, with little jargon.

  • Security header scans and evaluation
  • Penetration tests
  • Known vulnerability scans


My scans will detect potential vulnerabilities before they are exploited, so you can fix them easily. If needed, of course I can help to solve them too.

As your site becomes more secure, search engines will also start to rank your pages higher, especially after the updated Google search algorithm launch in May 2021, which will prioritise fast, secure websites over their competition.

But my site is just…

… a charity information page, a small business contact / portfolio site or a personal blog. So? You may not be storing personal data but how damaged would your reputation be, if for weeks your site was redirecting to dodgy porn sites, whilst infecting your user’s devices with malware? All sites in 2021, need to be secure. I believe this advice should be free to obtain.

Where to start?

Get in touch for your free website audit. I will report on your website’s security and performance for free, including recommended actions to make your site the fastest and most secure it can be.

For more detailed audits, including server infrastructure review, accessibility checks, GDPR and PCI compliance reports, just ask!

All external reports provided for free. No hidden costs, recurring fees or nonsense. Total transparency and control.